Friday, June 2, 2017

3 Delicious Weight-Loss Smoothies Recipes - Weight Loss Smoothies

Weight loss smoothies

Weight loss smoothies
Weight loss smoothies

Many individuals are now choosing to enjoy weight loss smoothies and this is because they can provide a great way in which to lose weight and stay healthy. Being fit and active, and looking good is incredibly important in the modern world and it is therefore important to consider the best ways in which to stay fit. Weight loss smoothies are a great way in which to do this and will be easy and effective for those who want to develop a healthy balanced diet. In this article we will take a look at some of the best weight loss smoothies recipes that are currently available. 

Mango - Weight Loss Smoothies

Mango - Weight Loss Smoothies
Mango - Weight Loss Smoothies
One of the most popular smoothies that you can do is the mango smoothie and this includes a number of ingredients that can all be blended together and then processed until they are smooth. Combine a quarter of a cup of mango cubes, as well as a quarter of a cup of avocado that has been mashed. Then combine this with a half half a cup of mango juice and a quarter of a cup of vanilla yoghurt that is fat free. Then combine all this with a tablespoon of sugar and six cubes of ice and blend together. 

Banana and Ginger Smoothie

Banana and Ginger Smoothie
Banana and Ginger Smoothie
The banana and ginger smoothie is a great recipe for those that are suffering from nausea and heartburn and will offer a simple but effective smoothie to enjoy. Combine one sliced banana with 6 ounces of yoghurt. Then combine this with 1 tablespoon of honey and half a tablespoon of ginger that has been freshly grated. Combine this in a smoothie and then blend until it is ready to drink

Red berry Breakfast Drink

Red berry Breakfast Drink

For an enjoyable Red berry breakfast drink, combine one cup of raspberries with three quarters of a cup of rice milk. Then combine this with a quarter of a cup of cherries that are unsweetened and combine this with 1 1/2 tablespoons of honey. Then add 2 tablespoons of fresh ginger that has been finely grated, and combine this with 1 tablespoon of flax-seed that has been crushed. Then combine all these ingredients with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice that is fresh and combine all of the ingredients into a blender and blend until ready. This will serve two individuals and you can also add lemon juice afterwards for extra flavor. 

This is a selection of the best smoothies to enjoy and are also easy to carry out. You will be able to make these quickly and effectively and can enjoy them at any time of day. You can also enjoy these smoothie recipes with other individuals and will be able to develop a healthy and positive lifestyle by enjoying these on a regular basis. If you want to enjoy these smoothies, you will need to invest in a smoothie maker, but there are now many available and these are of a high quality and should last for many years if they are cared for. Log onto the Internet to find a wide range of popular recipes that will help you stay fit and enjoy many smoothies.

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