Showing posts with label Alcohol Dependence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alcohol Dependence. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Alcohol Dependence and Withdrawal

Alcohol Dependence

Alcohol Dependence
Alcohol Dependence

Alcoholism is the most common mental abnormalities in humans. Often it is а life dependence. Alcoholism is still more common in men but increased in women. Alcohol dependence leads to significant morbidity and mortality, social and legal problems, violence and accidents. Serious alcohol abuse often begins in adolescence. Researches have been shown, that about 40% of alcoholics develop their first symptoms between the ages of 15 and 19 years. If it is not treating, the disease gets worse over time. About 30% of people with alcohol dependence treated, resisting alcohol. The disease can be fatal - about 100,000 deaths in the U.S. due to this disease.

Alcohol Dependence Diagnoses

Alcoholism is sometimes difficult to diagnose, because people who drink may refuse to provide information, because of a shame or fear of isolation. How to overcome alcohol dependence you can get more information from Bradford health services. Alcoholism is not determined by the amount of alcohol a person uses a day, but rather is determined by how a person's body reacts to alcohol, but also and ways of thinking and behavior of the man after drinking. People with alcohol dependence, develop tolerance to alcohol.

Require increasing amounts of alcohol to experience the same effect. They may also drink more than others and not to get drunk. If they stop drinking, may begin to feel anxious, to sweat, develop tremors, have trouble sleeping, nausea or vomiting, and in some cases - hallucinations. Often want to stop drinking, but they can't. They lose control of the amount of alcohol they had drunk and pay less attention to other activities in their life. Such people start to ignore the problems around them and those resulting from alcohol abuse. The alcoholics get addicted physically, mentally and emotionally.

The brain adapts to the effects of alcohol and permanent changes occur. When they stop taking alcohol once, the accustomed internal environment of the body changes sharply, causing withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol abuse can be caused by various problems - psychological, social, economic and even medical. Alcohol dependence may increase the risk of depression developing, but also plays a role in carrying out serious crimes, including domestic violence. Also can lead to car accidents.

Alcohol dependence increases the risk of developing of liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis), heart, and development of ulcers, brain damage (stroke) or other health problems. Alcoholism in pregnancy can lead to development in the fetus of fetal alcohol syndrome condition, in which the infant is born with very low weight, facial disorders, heart defects and mental retardation. One may use alcohol in an effort to reduce stress. Sometimes alcohol is used to "block" feeling of depression or anxiety. Of utmost importance is to treat alcoholism and to stop in time before the changes in the body of an alcoholic become irreversible.