Showing posts with label Beauty Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty Tips. Show all posts

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Beauty Foods - Some Foods to Keep You Ever Young

Beauty Foods - What to eat to look great

Beauty Foods
Beauty Foods

What you eat has direct impact on your skin and its appearance. Besides contributing on our physical well being, there are foods which can be called beauty foods which have profound involvement to keep your beauty intact. These foods items are filled with all the essential nutrients required to keep you beautiful and fit. Particularly the vitamins play a very important role in keeping your natural beauty intact. If you eat well and avoid certain habits like too much of smoking, drinking, late night sleeps, and stress, you don’t need artificial face-lift to retain your beauty.

Eat in sufficient amount the beauty foods listed below according to their vitamin content and see the difference of all your beauty components – nails, hair, skin, eyes, lips and overall health. The sources of vitamins are briefly discussed here.

Vitamin A / Beta Carotene

This vitamin is particularly healthy for hair and eyes. It also protects your skin from any sort of infection. Vitamin A keeps your skin healthy and counteracts dryness, dandruff, and wrinkle formation. The rich sources of Vitamin A are – Cod liver oil, Eggs, Carrots, Dairy Products, Tomatoes, Papaya, Melon and green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B is vital to keep your skin clear, healthy and give a youthful look. It also delays graying of hair. It also helps to combat stress, and help in quick heal of wear and tear. Its deficiency may lead to dry skin, grey hair, scaly lips, premature wrinkles, redness and irritation, and other problems. The sources of these beauty vitamin are whole grain cereals, nuts, pulses, molasses, liver, brewed yeast and green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C

This is a very important vitamin for your beauty. This helps in production of collagen which keeps your skin tight and young forever. It also prevents wrinkles and facial lines. Vitamin C is essential for healthy hair, skin, eyes, teeth, gums and resistance to infection. The beauty foods which are rich in vitamin C are green vegetables, green peppers, tomatoes, fresh fruits like orange, strawberries, grapefruit and lemon. Black currants, potatoes, blackberries are also good source of Vitamin C.

Vitamin D

Another important vitamin to retain your natural beauty. This is essential for good teeth, good bone density and nails. This vitamin helps in assimilation of calcium and phosphorus. It promotes healthy eyes, skin, teeth and bone density.

The sources of vitamin D milk, beef liver, salmon, tuna, butter, sprouted seeds, Vitamin E: This is very important vitamin for beauty to prevent wrinkles, premature aging, age spots, falling of hair, dandruff, improves circulation and healing of scars. Research shows this vitamin E is very important to keep your cells healthy. The rich sources of Vitamin E are green leafy vegetables, milk, asparagus, broccoli, butter, raw or sprouted seeds, olives, nuts, and soybeans.

Along with vitamins minerals and proteins are essential for beautiful skin. There are lots of beauty foods around you which are rich in proteins and vitamins. The web would be good source to find such foods.

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Thursday, June 1, 2017

7 Best Vitamins for Hair Growth

Vitamins for Hair Growth

Vitamins for Hair Growth
Vitamins for Hair Growth
Healthy and beautiful hair is a reflection of your inner health. There are several vitamins for hair loss problems. However, if your body is hale and hearty, your hair will be your shinning glory. Healthy hair is not only a pleasure to behold; it is pleasing to the person who has it. A proper supply of vitamins and minerals to the body help create beautiful hair--a healthy scalp ensures healthy hair. Any nutritional deficiencies can lead to weak and thin hair, hair loss, or even baldness. In this article, we will discuss the possible causes of hair loss and the various types of vitamins for hair growth

What to Consider in Treating Hair Loss and Vitamins for Hair Growth

If you have a physical condition such as diabetes, or a thyroid disorder, then you might suffer hair loss. A doctor, of course, must treat these conditions. Any vitamins for hair growth you might consider should be discussed with your doctor, and if you have a medical problem of any kind. 

If hair loss is a hereditary condition, then growing new hair might be difficult to achieve especially for men. However, it is certainly worth a shot to give your diet an overhaul and to use vitamins for hair growth and mineral supplements over a period of 4-6 months. Even if hair loss is hereditary; you might be able to stave off the condition of hair loss with massage, supplements, a few drops of iodine applied to the scalp several times a week, and optimum nutrition

Poor nutrition, which includes a diet deficient in protein, green vegetables, and fruits, or a diet that is generally lacking in the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for good health, can cause hair loss. Not enough protein, oils and fats in the diet causes a slowing of hair growth, and a dry scalp that causes hair to fall. 

Vitamins for Hair Growth

Vitamins for hair growth really can make a difference to the condition of your hair and, in many cases, encourage new growth. Some of the best vitamins for hair growth, assuming your diet include a range of vegetables, fruits, proteins and whole grains, are: 

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, an oil soluble vitamin, is commonly found in eggs, milk, cheese, fruits, vegetables, peaches, and apricots. It is also an antioxidant that helps in producing sebum of the scalp, which is very essential to make the hair shine. The need of this vitamin is very low and excess intake of vitamin A may lead to serious harm. 

Vitamin E

It is one of the most beneficial vitamins for hair growth. It consists of antioxidant property that offers scalp stimulation by enhancing blood circulation. You can obtain vitamin E from leafy green vegetables and cold-processed vegetable oils, raw seeds and soybeans

Although vitamin E offers a whole host of benefits, but the large intake is also associated with possible side effects including an increased blood pressure and decreased blood coagulation ability. So, if you are suffering from high blood pressure or if you are taking anticoagulant medications, you should not take vitamin E supplements prior consulting with your doctor. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is known to offer anti-oxidizing benefits. It is one of the essential vitamins for hair growth, prevent hair loss and helps maintaining healthy skin and hair. There are plenty of natural foods available that are rich in vitamin C; Citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, pineapples, tomatoes, green pepper, red pepper, and many others are great source of vitamin C. It is so abundant in nature that you can hardly avoid it in your daily diet

Vitamin B Complex

Niacin (vitamin B3), Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 contribute significantly in various health conditions. These are known as useful vitamins for hair growth. Vitamin B3 helps in promoting scalp circulation. Vitamin B3 is abundant in wheat germ, chicken, fish, turkey, and meat. However, large intake may cause harmful effects, known as niacin flush. Vitamin B5 helps preventing premature graying and hair loss problems. It is primarily available in egg yolks, whole grain cereals, and organ meats. 


This is also known as vitamin H. It also belongs to vitamin B complex group. It is also one of the most essential vitamins for hair growth. Inadequate supply of this vitamin may cause hair loss problems

It functions in fat metabolism. Fat is essential for body growth including hair. It also helps in preventing premature graying of hair

Egg yolks are great source of biotin. It is also available in kidney, liver, milk, and yeast. 

Para-Aminobenzoic Acid

Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA) is one of the essential vitamins for hair growth. It belongs to B complex family. It functions like an anti-grey hair vitamin. A deficiency in PABA may lead to grey hair. Research has shown its effects on animal hair cells. It is seen that when animal cells have been reintroduced to the vitamin, normal coloration is restored. 

Few researchers also suggest that PABA in combination with folic acid is found to be effective in restoring healthy hair. Lack of PABA may cause to affect hair color. A diet rich in vitamin B can restore hair color. It also aids in improving excellence and potency of hair growth. You can avail a plenty of PABA in liver, kidney, whole grain and yeast. 


Inositol, one of the vitamin B complex, is one of key vitamins for hair growth. It is typically found in brain cells, muscles, liver, kidney, and eyes. This Vitamin is only found in women, and various sources shows that men loss their hair twice as fast as women simply because they lack it. 

Not only Inositol aids in hair loss problems, but it also offers beneficial effects in different types of skin problems. It is very essential for bald patients. Almost all types of hair loss problems can be sorted out with the use of Inositol vitamin

 Bottom Line

As mentioned earlier, hair and skin reflect your inner health. The health of your hair and skin will indicate if you are suffering from a vitamin deficiency or any other illness. Ensuring your body is getting the right vitamins will not only help your overall scalp and hair health but can reverse the hair loss process. As such, be cautious when you take vitamins for hair growth particularly vitamins like A, D and E. It is highly recommended to seek advice of a medical expert before taking vitamin supplements. Excess intake of vitamins may cause damage to your health.

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Friday, May 26, 2017

Face Massage Techniques At Home | Facial Massage Techniques

Face Massage Techniques

Face Massage Techniques
Face Massage Techniques
Face massage is an excellent way to help fight the aging process anytime, anyday, right from the comfort of your own home. Pamper yourself and feel stress-free by applying one or several face massage techniques regularly. Many face massage techniques can be done while using masks, oils, and other beautifying agents, enhancing the benefits your reap from your at-home face massage.

Applying proper face massage techniques will yield amazing results for not only your face, but your entire body. Many face massage techniques use special touches to stimulate cells, increase blood flow, relieve and reduce tensions, as well as to ease away built up toxins in your body.

When performing any face massage technique, it is important to use a lubricant to avoid scratching, tearing, and irritating your soft, sensitive skin. There are many types of facial lubricant you can use. You can buy oils and facial massage products, or make your own all-natural products.

The best options for facial massage oils:

  • Sweet almond oil moisturizes and nourishes dry skin
  • Coconut oil moisturizes skin and can be used on acne prone skin
  • Grape seed oil can be used to prep the skin
  • Jojoba oil can be used to prep the skin and is good for acne
  • Argan oil possesses anti-aging benefits
  • Apricot kernel oil a light oil, moisturizes and nourished dry skin as well as mature skin.

A few drops of the following essential oils can be added to your facial massage oil to enhance the massage:

  • Grapefruit essential oil Detoxifies the skin and tones the skin
  • Lavender essential oil Can be used on sensitive skin, as well as acne-prone skin and tones the skin
  • Tea tree essential oil Can be used on all skin types, and is especially beneficial to acne prone skin and blackheads. Disinfects skin and cleans skin.
  • Rosewood and Sandalwood essential oils Both oils soothe, cool, and hydrate dry and mature skin.

Face Massage Techniques For Each Facial Feature

Forehead Face Massage Techniques

**Be sure to lubricate your skin first.

Start with your fingertips in the center of your forehead. Pressing firmly, gently glide your fingertips out to the side, then stop. Start again with your fingertips at the center of your forehead.

You can also start with your fingertips at the bottom of your forehead and glide them upwards towards your hairline. Do not move your fingertips downwards. When you reach your hairline, stop and begin again from the bottom of your forehead.

These face massage technique should be repeated at least three times and will help to smooth out your forehead and prevent wrinkles. The upward stroke is an excellent face massage technique if you have a lot of lines on your forehead.

Cheek Face Massage Techniques

**Be sure to lubricate your skin first.

Using a firm touch, start with your fingertips at the top of your cheeks near your nose. Glide your fingers down and over to the side, then stop. Start again at the top of your cheeks, close to your nose.

Always move your fingertips down and out to smooth your skin.

This face massage technique can help to tone and firm your cheek, as well as smooth laugh lines. It can be repeated as many times as you like.

Jawbone Face Massage Technique

**Be sure to lubricate your skin first.

Start towards the chin and work your way up your jawbone making small, circular motions. When you get to the top, stop and start again near your chin.

An alternative technique is to gently rub the sides of your neck, working your way up from under your chin to beneath your ears. Use the same upward, circular motion.

These face massage techniques will help to relax your jaw muscles. They can also help relieve tension and strain created by teeth clenching and grinding.

Under Eye Face Massage Technique

**Be sure to lubricate your skin first.

Start at you temples, then slowly and gently circle from your temple, under and around your eyes to your inner eye, then up to and under your brow line. You should repeat this circle at least five or six times.

You can also press firmly but gently the three pressure points under your eyes. There is one on your inner eye on the bony spot, one in the middle beneath your eye on the bone, and a third near the outer corner of your eyes.

These techniques help relieve eye pressure and strain. This is especially helpful after staring at a computer screen all day.

The Benefits of Using These Face Massage Techniques on a Regular Basis

  • Firms your skin
  • Renews your skin
  • Provides an instant lifting affect
  • Tones your skin
  • Improves your circulation
  • Relaxes and relieves tension that can cause wrinkles
  • Stimulates your skin
  • Removes toxins
  • Reduces water retention

Face Massage Tips

  • Lubricate you skin (This may sound redundant, but it is crucial)
  • Invest in natural, high-quality oils
  • While you can perform these face massage techniques at any time, the best time is before bed. This will help relieve the stress and tension you have accumulated throughout a long, hard day at work.
  • Before performing these face massage techniques, you should remove all of your makeup and cleanse your face. If you prefer, you can exfoliate your skin as well to remove all toxins, open your pores, and allow the oils to absorb into your skin easier.

As long as you use a good quality oil, there is no need to wash the oil off your face. By the time you are done massaging your face, the oil should be mostly absorbed into your skin.

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