Saturday, May 27, 2017

Healthy Diet Plan - Healthy Eating

Healthy Diet Plan

Healthy Diet Plans
Healthy Diet Plan

What is a healthy diet? 

To have an overall good health, it is important to have a well-balanced lifestyle which may be acquired through enough activities, having enough sleep, and of course a healthy diet.
Healthy diet is not simply eating what has fewer calories, or less fat, but it is important to know what your fitness and health goals are to know just how much your body need to take to maintain enough nutrition. When you figured out what your body needs and requires, you may seek out help to design a healthy diet plan that will suit your lifestyle.

Essential Things to Know About a Healthy Diet Plan

The common notion when people hear of a healthy diet plan is that, it is a luxurious lifestyle to have when in fact, by simply knowing your target and the basics of a healthy eating habit, you can start your diet plan sooner.

Consume a variety of Food

- Eating a wide range of food will give you better chances of consuming all the nutrients you need that will contribute to your healthy diet plan

Be Mindful of the Amount of Food You Consume

- Sometimes, a healthy diet plan does not necessarily have to be about restricting yourself of eating the food you like; knowing how to discipline yourself of taking portions will be key. Also, check serving size on labels to know how many calories you are taking and if it is still within your daily target.

Your Fruits and Veggies are your Best Friends

- Eating green, orange, red, purple and yellow produce will give you the nutrients, and fiber may help your body fight certain types of cancer. If you are going for a 2,000 daily calorie diet, you can take in 2 ½ cups of vegetables, and 2 cups of fruits a day.

Enjoy Fish and Nuts

- Oils from nuts, fatty fish, avocados and vegetables are considered healthy supplies and do not promote weight gain. Health benefits come with these food choices, such as the omega-3 fats found in fatty fish which is good for the heart.

Avoid Trans Fat, Sugar and Refined Grains

- It is important to avoid trans fat as much as possible as it raises the bad cholesterol and lowers your good cholesterol, which in turn raises your risk to heart disease. Refined grains and added sugar are sources of empty calories that contribute to weight gain.

Know which to cut down and to take in animal fat

- Animal meat is probably one of the hardest things to sacrifice when you decide on switching to a healthy diet plan. Well, cutting down to the healthy parts may be the key to stop stressing out with the change; choose lean meat, skinless poultry, and low-fat dairy products.

Food is Always the best source of Nutrients

- Always choose food over supplements as a source of your needed nutrients as these supplements could not substitute other vitamins and minerals of a healthy diet plan. Many nutrients need to be in synergy to work efficiently in the body, this only happens when they are acquired through food.
 It’s not all about food, but Liquid too
- It is important to know as well that calories are not restricted to food alone, but also with the drinks you take. Most of all, limit your calorie intake to moderation to avoid gaining more health problems

How to Start Planning a Healthy Diet Plan

Remember that eating right and healthy is much more than maintaining your weight and health benefits, but also it has a profound effect on your mood. Eating more fresh food, and home-cooked meals rather than take- outs, has proven to help in improving your mood and lowering your risk of mental health problems.

Sometimes, deciding to switch to a healthier diet plan is easier than actually doing it. Start off simple by setting up a short-term and long-term health goals that you would want to achieve.

Here are some tips on to guide you reach your goal:

  • Start by preparing your own meals, that way you have control on what goes into your food
  • Cutting back unhealthy foods from your daily routine does not mean you will miss out on the satisfaction you get from them. There are healthy alternatives that will give you just the same amount of satisfaction and can make a positive difference to your health.
  • Stop overthinking your diet! It is easier to think of it as colors, freshness, and varieties rather than the number of calories you take in.
  • Always read the labels. It is better to know the food you buy and know if it is worth it.
  • What you feel after eating says a lot about the food you take. The healthier the food you take, the better you are going to feel; when you take in more junk foods, you tend to always feel out of energy.
  • The number one rule in health 101? Stay hydrated, and drink plenty of water! Water will help flush down the waste products and toxins --- it also helps with choosing healthier choices.

Types of an Effective Healthy Diet Plan

Keep in mind that not all diet plans are safe, which is why it is best to consider what your body needs and to which healthy diet plan you will be more comfortable with.

If you have set up your health goals and had figured out where to start, great! Although, if you are like others who could not figure out what is best suitable and affordable for them, here are some proven healthy diet plans.

1. 1. Low- Carb Diet

- One of the well- known diet plans for weight loss is the low- carb diet as this restricts carbohydrate, specifically those found in sugary food, pasta and bread. There are many varieties of love- carb diet, and they all promote high protein, fat and healthy vegetables.

- Here are some of the foods to eat when taking this healthy diet plan: meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit and nuts, high-fat dairy, and healthy oils

1. 2. Mediterranean Diet Plan

- Okay, so here’s a diet plan with some historic reference; it is based on the traditional food that people from Italy and Greece used to eat. Studies have shown that people who ate this way are more likely to have lower risks of acquiring killer diseases.

- Eat: Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, potatoes, whole grains, breads, herbs, spices, fish, seafood and extra virgin olive oil.

1. 3. Paleo Diet

- This diet is designed to be just like how cavemen eat, if you will going for this diet, there is only one question you have to answer for every food you want to: “Will a caveman eat it?” If no, neither can you.

- No pasta, bread, cereal and whatnot. Just fresh and raw: meats, fish, leafy greens, regional veggies and seeds.

1. 4. The Gluten- free Diet

- The gluten-free diet is mainly designed to help those with celiac disease; although, anyone can try this diet as well. It may be hard at first, as your body is used to eating whole foods, but there are foods now manufactured without gluten.

- What is Celiac Disease? It is a severe form of gluten intolerance which can sometimes lead to nutrient deficiencies and severe digestive conditions

- Challenge: total elimination of gluten in your diet or food intake.

- Naturally gluten-free foods: unprocessed beans, seeds and nuts, fresh eggs, fresh meats, fish and poultry, fruits and vegetables

There are healthier diet plans that you can choose from, or even have one customized especially for your health needs, all you have to do is visit your doctor and consult a dietician to help you figure out the best diet plan for you.

Benefits of a Healthy Diet

It is a given that you want to have a better health condition when you start out with a healthy diet plan. You do not eat healthy just because, it can be a challenge to do so, and the benefits can be rewarding in a few run when you start noticing it.

  1. Productivity increase, you become more efficient and alert in your job. Since your mind is clear, you tend to focus more on what you are doing
  2. Save money. Since you are getting healthier, and being sick comes once to none, you have better chances of saving more money on life insurance
  3. Better and enhanced mood. There is a close relation between what you eat and your brain, particularly on the parts that regulates a person’s mood. Good food will give you better nutrition which will make you feel more light and better for most days as it is proven that foods rich in vitamins and minerals can lower your risk of being depressed.
  4. Eating healthy can help you distress as well. Studies had shown that there are certain food that has the ability to moderate your body’s stress hormones.
  5. One of the most popular reasons why people switch to a healthier diet plan, it regulates the weight. Simple healthy choices or switches can make a huge difference especially when improving your overall health situation.
  6. It does not mean that when you are thin, or fat or whatever “perfect” body you have in mind, that you are healthy. You may think that being thin is healthy, but who knows if the body has enough and the right nutrients to keep it strong. Remember, a truly healthy person is not defined by their physical body appearance but by how strong their body is. It is in how much vitamins, minerals and nutrients their body has.
  7. Having a healthy diet plan will allow you to live longer. Unhealthy food choices can not only waste your money, but actually lower your life expectancy; it is known that a proper healthy lifestyle can extend your life expectancy.

Save yourself from diseases when you eat healthy 

Given that a healthy lifestyle will help you fight any diseases, here are some of the main illness you will be avoiding with a healthy new you.

High Blood Sugar

- Intakes of whole grain breads, oatmeal and brown rice can cause a slow release into your bloodstream, which helps your body regulate blood sugar

Heart Disease

- High-fat foods, particularly those found in fatty fish or well- known as omega- 3 can help lower your risk for any heart diseases. Other healthful fats like those found in olive oil, nuts, avocados ad seeds can help protecting your heart

- Aim for about four to five servings of fruits and vegetables daily, it helps reducing your heart disease risks

Cancer Risk

- With fruits and vegetables playing key roles in a healthy diet plan, it is better to understand that these food choices are rich in antioxidants that help neutralize those potentially damaging cells known as free radicals.

Alzheimer’s Disease

- With the proper nutrition that your body is getting, it increases the blood flow to your brain which gives protection to your brain cells and helps prevent you from risks of having Alzheimer’s. Nuts are a good source of vitamins particularly of vitamin E, such as almonds, walnuts, pecans to name a few, are great for fighting Alzheimer’s.


- A calcium rich diet will prevent a bone loss associated with osteoporosis. Consuming low- fat dairy products, dark green vegetables, and fortified foods are good sources of calcium and will be making both your bones and teeth strong.

- To increase your body’s capability to absorb calcium, choose products that are rich with vitamin D as it will help with your calcium absorption.

Weight related issues

- For most people, the main reason for their switch of diet plan is their weight problems. In order to prevent yourself of either being underweight or obese, you have to make sure that your calorie intake complements the daily calories that you burn daily.

- Removing excess weight reduces your risks of obesity- related conditions like type- 2 diabetes, clogged arteries, and thyroid dysfunction.

Switching to a healthier diet is a serious commitment one takes, it will be a challenge to undergo changes on what you are used to at first, but like any other it will take some time to get used to. It is best to keep in mind the benefit that you will be getting in the long run, and that you are saving yourself from more problems.

Your environment is one of the factors to take note of, make sure you have a strong and positive support system in your family and friends as they will help you to keep going.

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