Friday, May 26, 2017

Weight Loss For Teens - Teen Weight Loss Secrets

Weight Loss For Teens

weight loss for teens
weight loss for teens
Learning to eat healthy and exercise is a habit that starts at a young age. Unfortunately, today's society is currently full of teens that either dont know how or choose not to. Teen obesity is a widespread problem over 12.5 million children in the United States are overweight. What is the answer to this problem? Healthy weight loss for teens! Educate teens and help them lose weight the right way. Healthy weight loss programs and diets for teens involve lifestyle changes as well as the foods they eat.

Healthy Weight Loss for Teens Starts at Home

You cant expect your teen to eat healthy or lose weight if you do not change the way you cook and eat.

Healthy Dinner

If you dont have time to cook dinner, dont grab a large, greasy, fat and calorie filled bag of fast food. This will not help your teen lose weight. Most of the time, you know ahead of time that there will not be enough time to cook a healthy dinner after work. No problem.

In the morning, before you leave for work, throw dinner in the crock-pot. If you have little to no extra time in the morning, you can put everything in the crock pot the night before and put the inner pot with the lid in the fridge. Before you leave for work, just remove the inner pot from the fridge, place in the crock pot, turn it on and go. By the time you come home from work, there will be a delicious meal cooked and ready for you to serve.

You can also prepare freezer crackpot meals a week or weeks in advance. Set aside a few hours one month to cut and dice fresh vegetables, chunk up some meat, and prepare other ingredients. Place the meals in separate freezer bags or containers. This way, you can easily remove one bag for dinner and throw it in the crock-pot. Again, dinner will be ready when you walk in the door.

Mason jar salads are an excellent way to make and prepare salads ahead of time. You can find hundreds of recipes online and they usually stay good for five to seven days. While mason jar salads are often thought of as a quick lunch, you can purchase large mason jars and prepare mason jar salads for the family to enjoy with dinner.

You can freeze whole portions or pans of certain foods to pop in the oven. Healthy chicken parm without tons of breading and baked instead of fried is one example. After browning the chicken in the oven, layer the sauce and low-fat cheese or Parmesan cheese not top. Cover the dish with freezer wrap or other freezer safe cover, and once cooled place in the freezer. You can create several meals in one day, or on a day that you do cook, make an extra meals worth for this purpose. On a day you dont have time to make dinner, just remove the meal from the freezer, remove the cover and place in the oven. There are many different healthy meals you can do this with.

2. Healthy weight loss for teens

Healthy weight loss for teens starts with a healthy breakfast. Many teens either dont eat breakfast or eat something incredibly unhealthy and full of sugars and carbs, like a pop tart or sugar-filled cereal.

Encourage your teen to begin their weight loss journey with a healthy breakfast. Educate them on the importance of starting the day out with a nutritious meal and explain the importance of eating a healthy breakfast.

If your teen just isnt a morning person and prefers not to eat, make them a smoothie. You may not have time to chop up fruit and/or veggies and make a smoothie every morning. However, you can flash freeze fruit and some veggies then place it in freezer bags so you or your teen can easily throw a few chunks in a blender so they can enjoy a healthy smoothie before school. If you have a travel cup or mug, they can take it to school with them top enjoy on the way to school.

Oatmeal is a healthy breakfast that some kids love but other kids despise. While you teen may not like plain old pasty oatmeal, you can disguise it yummy breakfast treats. Over night oatmeal is prepared the night before with nuts, fresh fruit, and naturally sweetened with honey or pure maple syrup. In the morning, just pop it in the oven and breakfast is served. You can also make oatmeal breakfast bars and cookies, adding in fruits, flax seeds, chia seeds, and all kinds of healthy ingredients into a yummy treat your teen will love.

If your teen insists on cereal, purchase only fat-free milk or almond milk for cereal use. There are healthy cereals available. Be careful when purchasing cereal and read the label. For example, many granola cereals that you may think are healthy contain large amounts of added sugar. Try buying a healthy cereal with lots of protein.

3. Exercise is a crucial component in weight loss for teens

Many teens today do not get anywhere near the amount of exercise they need. Physical education classes are not enough.

Many local recreation centers and YMCAs, among other organizations offer sports and classes specifically for teens. Encourage your teen to participate in a sport. If they are not the athletic type, there may be other options such as swimming in pools, walking tracks, jogging trails or fitness classes.

Make exercise family time. While many families have a family game night or movie night, you dont often hear of family fitness night. Set one evening or weekend day, or even a half hour every other day, aside for family fitness time. You can do this at the park, in the yard or even in the living room. Watch a fitness video on YouTube, the computer or a dvd and do the exercises together as a family, encouraging each other along the way. Walk or run the track behind the local school. Race each other or make a game of it. Some parks have obstacle courses you can try or trails you can walk. Not only will this encourage weight loss for teens in your family, it will help you and your other family members lose weight and create a stronger family bond. Put the video game controllers down and get your family off the couch!

We need to strongly encourage weight loss for teens. It is not healthy for teens to be overweight and obese. This will lead to health problems later on in life, increase bullying and lower their self-esteem, as well start unhealthy eating habits that will haunt them for the rest of their life.

Read About: Weight Loss Hypnosis