Saturday, June 10, 2017

Food Poisoning Symptoms

Food Poisoning Symptoms

Food Poisoning Symptoms
Food Poisoning Symptoms

Know the Difference between Food Poisoning and Stomach Achesto Avoid It

There often comes a time when a human being cannot define the difference between stomach issues and food poisoning Symptoms because the indications are mostly the same and you cannot tell them apart. However, there two categories are completely different from one another. It is important for you to know the difference between stomach issues and food poisoning symptoms. This is confusing for so many people because they end up using the wrong remedies to prevent it from happening.

Many times when people visit the doctor they confuse food poisoning with getting flu virus or something else because they notice indications of vomiting, diarrhea, stomach ache and nausea. This also happens the other way as well. People also confuse normal flu with food poisoning.

The reason behind having stomach flu is a virus-related contagion in the peptic tract. If you do not want to catch the flu, avoid getting near to viruses. Now, this may sound easier to say but it is not easy to perform.

The biggest cause of food poisoning is bacteria, everyone should know this by now. Bacteria developed into your food if it is not taken care of. That is why it is always preferred to boil food before eating it. However, it does not take much time for bacteria to develop into the food. Bacteria come when the food has been stored for too long without any movement in it. Foods like sauces, dairy products, and meat which are not kept at their specific temperature that is 40 degrees F. 

Food Poisoning Symptoms

There are some symptoms of food poisoning that will determine whether it is really food poisoning or not. If two people that are sharing the same food that has been stored in the fridge or some other place for too long, can be the target of food poisoning. Keeping the type of food outside that needs to be refrigerated can also contain bacteria. These symptoms develop just in 1 to 2 hours, and it takes 2 days to become bad food. This results in vomiting, diarrhea and nausea which can last for 3 days. 

How to Avoid Food Poisoning?

  • Avoiding food poisoning is the best way to stay away from it which can be done by eating healthy so that no stomach aches and flu catches you.
  • It is important for you to keep the food that is supposed to stay hot, hot and the food that is supposed to stay cold, cold. 
  • Make sure that you avoid eating dressings, salad or meat, or any other food that has been left outside for more than two hours under the temperatures of 40 degrees F and 140 degrees F. This is known as the 20-40-140 rule.
  • Do not leave your meat on the counter to get sticky and ruined, it should be kept in the refrigerator or in the microwave. 
  • When everything is clean, there is nothing to worry about. Make sure that you keep your kitchen and your whole house clean that is the best way to avoid any kind of illness.