Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Mesothelioma Survival Rate

Mesothelioma Survival Rate

Mesothelioma survival rate
Mesothelioma survival rate

When a person is diagnosed with mesothelioma they may have a lot of fears. The first thing a person will want to know is their survival rate and how long they have to live.

Survival Rate of Mesothelioma

Survival Rate of Mesothelioma
Survival Rate of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma Survival Rate: Mesothelioma can be latent in the body for a long period of time. A person may have this disease and not know it for 40 or 50 years since they were first exposed to asbestos. The disease is not detected until a person shows symptoms. At this time the disease usually affects other parts of the body as well.

Stages of Mesothelioma

When a person is in stage one or two they have a greater chance for beating the disease. There are treatment options that can help. When a person has reached the later stages of this cancer the outcome is not going to be as favorable as they are not as many effective treatment options.

Timeline of Mesothelioma

When a person has been diagnosed with a later state of mesothelioma the average person lives for ten to eleven months. The survival rate will vary from person to person. The younger a person is the longer they will often live with this disease. If a person is healthy they also have a longer survival time.

Moesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer. The early that it is detected the better the chance a person has of living a long life.

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